I am studying local enhancement (where seabirds use other birds or marine predators as cues to find food) in both the California Current and the sub-Antarctic. This behavior has numerous socio-cognitive implications (which I recently reviewed in Monier 2024).
I am analyzing the distribution of these predators to identify groups of species that spatially co-occur. After establishing that associations among these species can change (over time and in response to the environment), I then test how the selective benefits of such associations change.
Myself, alongside our documentarian Kevin Schreck, about to board the ship to South Georgia. Follow the progress of our film at https://www.antarcticvoyagemovie.com.
We produced a documentary about our work in the Antarctic! The trailer for Antarctic Voyage can be viewed here: https://www.antarcticvoyagemovie.com (and is narrated by yours truly).
The data we collected in 2023 will be compared to surveys from the same area in the 1980s and 1990s (published in Monier et al. 2020) to examine how changes to the climate and the landscape over time have impacted the behavior and distribution of these species.
Interested in hosting a screening our film? Contact me at: monier.samantha@gmail.com