Seabirds, marine mammals, & their prey
I am currently studying the at-sea distribution of winter marine predators at South Georgia in the sub-antarctic. Data on where species are feeding, as well as which species forage together, will be compared to data collected 30 years prior to assess the affect of climate climate change on these top predators
On my way to Punta Arenas, Chile, “the gateway to the Antarctic”. These fun planes were adorned with pictures of local species: an orca, a guanaco (a llama-like mammal) and a rhea (a flightless bird, similar looking to, but smaller than, an ostrich). Plane-spotting helped pass the time during my 12-hour layover in Santiago!
Preparing to leave port! In the background are the NSF’s two research vessels: the Gould (left) and the Palmer (right)
Myself, and chief scientist Dick Veit, aboard the Laurence M. Gould
Spectacular views as we pulled into South Georgia
Most people who visit South Georgia do so in the summertime…and for good reason! Quite difficult getting around without snow shoes
Passing through Grytviken, stopped by South Georgia’s museum. Hanging from the ceiling is one of the world’s largest birds, the Wandering Albatross—-they can have wingspans up to 12 feet! Below are some of the museum’s other specimens: skins from a King Penguin and fur seal
King Penguin
Fur seal
A relic of South Georgia’s whaling days. With whaling banned and marine protected areas in place, whale and seal populations are in recovery
2023 was a berg-y year for South Georgia. Many were large enough to be seen from space…one was 31 miles long!
The weather around South Georgia was constantly changing, making rainbows a common sight
During the day we conducted surveys of seabirds and marine mammals, at night we surveyed for their prey, which includes krill, small fish, squid, and many other amphipods and gelatinous organisms
Various species of krill
It was just as cold in Punta Arenas as aboard the ship! Did some great birding in the company of some great birders. Raptors everywhere: Caracaras, buzzard eagles, condors
Rhea crossing. Photo courtesy of our filmmaker, Kevin Schreck
Driving to the airport we pulled over to get a view of the brightest rainbow I’ve ever seen! So bright it’s reflecting in the ice of the pond
Flight home over Patagonia
Volcanoes in Puerto Montt